#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, os, io, logging import ashd.ssi, ashd.wsgiutil def simpleerror(out, code, title, msg): html = """ %s



""" % (title, title, ashd.wsgiutil.htmlquote(msg)) out.write("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\n" % (code, title)) out.write("Content-Type: text/html\n") out.write("Content-Length: %d\n" % len(html)) out.write("\n") out.write(html) if len(sys.argv) < 4: sys.stderr.write("usage: serve-ssi METHOD URL REST\n") sys.exit(1) method, url, rest = sys.argv[1:] path = os.getenv("REQ_X_ASH_FILE") if path is None: simpleerror(sys.stdout, 500, "Server Error", "The server is erroneously configured.") sys.stderr.write("serve-ssi: must be called with the X-Ash-File header\n") sys.exit(1) if rest != "": simpleerror(sys.stdout, 404, "Not Found", "The resource specified by the URL does not exist.") sys.exit(0) class encwrap(io.TextIOWrapper): def close(self): pass logging.basicConfig(format="serve-ssi: %(message)s") try: try: f = ashd.ssi.getfile(path) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("server-ssi: %s\n" % e) simpleerror(sys.stdout, 500, "Server Error", "The server could not access its data.") sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") sys.stdout.write("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() wrap = encwrap(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding="utf8") f.process(ashd.ssi.context(wrap, f)) wrap.flush() except IOError: # This is for catching EPIPE, when the client has closed the # connection. This shouldn't *really* be necessary since the # process should terminate with SIGPIPE, but apparently Python # ignores that. sys.exit(1)