doc: Establish HTTP version convention.
[ashd.git] / python / ashd-wsgi
... / ...
3import sys, os, getopt, threading, logging, time
4import ashd.proto, ashd.util, ashd.perf
6 import pdm.srv
8 pdm = None
10def usage(out):
11 out.write("usage: ashd-wsgi [-hAL] [-m PDM-SPEC] [-p MODPATH] [-l REQLIMIT] HANDLER-MODULE [ARGS...]\n")
13reqlimit = 0
14modwsgi_compat = False
15setlog = True
16opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "+hAp:l:m:")
17for o, a in opts:
18 if o == "-h":
19 usage(sys.stdout)
20 sys.exit(0)
21 elif o == "-p":
22 sys.path.insert(0, a)
23 elif o == "-L":
24 setlog = False
25 elif o == "-A":
26 modwsgi_compat = True
27 elif o == "-l":
28 reqlimit = int(a)
29 elif o == "-m":
30 if pdm is not None:
31 pdm.srv.listen(a)
32if len(args) < 1:
33 usage(sys.stderr)
34 sys.exit(1)
35if setlog:
36 logging.basicConfig(format="ashd-wsgi(%(name)s): %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
37log = logging.getLogger("ashd-wsgi")
40 handlermod = __import__(args[0], fromlist = ["dummy"])
41except ImportError, exc:
42 sys.stderr.write("ashd-wsgi: handler %s not found: %s\n" % (args[0], exc.message))
43 sys.exit(1)
44if not modwsgi_compat:
45 if not hasattr(handlermod, "wmain"):
46 sys.stderr.write("ashd-wsgi: handler %s has no `wmain' function\n" % args[0])
47 sys.exit(1)
48 handler = handlermod.wmain(*args[1:])
50 if not hasattr(handlermod, "application"):
51 sys.stderr.write("ashd-wsgi: handler %s has no `application' object\n" % args[0])
52 sys.exit(1)
53 handler = handlermod.application
55class closed(IOError):
56 def __init__(self):
57 super(closed, self).__init__("The client has closed the connection.")
59cwd = os.getcwd()
60def absolutify(path):
61 if path[0] != '/':
62 return os.path.join(cwd, path)
63 return path
65def unquoteurl(url):
66 buf = ""
67 i = 0
68 while i < len(url):
69 c = url[i]
70 i += 1
71 if c == '%':
72 if len(url) >= i + 2:
73 c = 0
74 if '0' <= url[i] <= '9':
75 c |= (ord(url[i]) - ord('0')) << 4
76 elif 'a' <= url[i] <= 'f':
77 c |= (ord(url[i]) - ord('a') + 10) << 4
78 elif 'A' <= url[i] <= 'F':
79 c |= (ord(url[i]) - ord('A') + 10) << 4
80 else:
81 raise ValueError("Illegal URL escape character")
82 if '0' <= url[i + 1] <= '9':
83 c |= ord(url[i + 1]) - ord('0')
84 elif 'a' <= url[i + 1] <= 'f':
85 c |= ord(url[i + 1]) - ord('a') + 10
86 elif 'A' <= url[i + 1] <= 'F':
87 c |= ord(url[i + 1]) - ord('A') + 10
88 else:
89 raise ValueError("Illegal URL escape character")
90 buf += chr(c)
91 i += 2
92 else:
93 raise ValueError("Incomplete URL escape character")
94 else:
95 buf += c
96 return buf
98def dowsgi(req):
99 env = {}
100 env["wsgi.version"] = 1, 0
101 for key, val in req.headers:
102 env["HTTP_" + key.upper().replace("-", "_")] = val
103 env["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = "ashd-wsgi/1"
104 env["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"] = "CGI/1.1"
105 env["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] = req.ver
106 env["REQUEST_METHOD"] = req.method
107 env["REQUEST_URI"] = req.url
108 name = req.url
109 p = name.find('?')
110 if p >= 0:
111 env["QUERY_STRING"] = name[p + 1:]
112 name = name[:p]
113 else:
114 env["QUERY_STRING"] = ""
115 if name[-len(] ==
116 # This is the same hack used in call*cgi.
117 name = name[:-len(]
118 try:
119 pi = unquoteurl(
120 except:
121 pi =
122 if name == '/':
123 # This seems to be normal CGI behavior, but see callcgi.c for
124 # details.
125 pi = "/" + pi
126 name = ""
127 env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = name
128 env["PATH_INFO"] = pi
129 if "Host" in req: env["SERVER_NAME"] = req["Host"]
130 if "X-Ash-Server-Address" in req: env["SERVER_ADDR"] = req["X-Ash-Server-Address"]
131 if "X-Ash-Server-Port" in req: env["SERVER_PORT"] = req["X-Ash-Server-Port"]
132 if "X-Ash-Protocol" in req and req["X-Ash-Protocol"] == "https": env["HTTPS"] = "on"
133 if "X-Ash-Address" in req: env["REMOTE_ADDR"] = req["X-Ash-Address"]
134 if "X-Ash-Port" in req: env["REMOTE_PORT"] = req["X-Ash-Port"]
135 if "Content-Type" in req:
136 env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = req["Content-Type"]
137 # The CGI specification does not strictly require this, but
138 # many actualy programs and libraries seem to.
139 del env["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"]
140 if "Content-Length" in req:
141 env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = req["Content-Length"]
142 del env["HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH"]
143 if "X-Ash-File" in req: env["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] = absolutify(req["X-Ash-File"])
144 if "X-Ash-Protocol" in req: env["wsgi.url_scheme"] = req["X-Ash-Protocol"]
145 env["wsgi.input"] =
146 env["wsgi.errors"] = sys.stderr
147 env["wsgi.multithread"] = True
148 env["wsgi.multiprocess"] = False
149 env["wsgi.run_once"] = False
151 resp = []
152 respsent = []
154 def flushreq():
155 if not respsent:
156 if not resp:
157 raise Exception, "Trying to write data before starting response."
158 status, headers = resp
159 respsent[:] = [True]
160 try:
161"HTTP/1.1 %s\n" % status)
162 for nm, val in headers:
163"%s: %s\n" % (nm, val))
165 except IOError:
166 raise closed()
168 def write(data):
169 if not data:
170 return
171 flushreq()
172 try:
175 except IOError:
176 raise closed()
178 def startreq(status, headers, exc_info = None):
179 if resp:
180 if exc_info: # Interesting, this...
181 try:
182 if respsent:
183 raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
184 finally:
185 exc_info = None # CPython GC bug?
186 else:
187 raise Exception, "Can only start responding once."
188 resp[:] = status, headers
189 return write
191 reqevent = ashd.perf.request(env)
192 exc = (None, None, None)
193 try:
194 try:
195 respiter = handler(env, startreq)
196 try:
197 for data in respiter:
198 write(data)
199 if resp:
200 flushreq()
201 finally:
202 if hasattr(respiter, "close"):
203 respiter.close()
204 except closed:
205 pass
206 if resp:
207 reqevent.response(resp)
208 except:
209 exc = sys.exc_info()
210 raise
211 finally:
212 reqevent.__exit__(*exc)
214flightlock = threading.Condition()
215inflight = 0
217class reqthread(threading.Thread):
218 def __init__(self, req):
219 super(reqthread, self).__init__(name = "Request handler")
220 self.req = req.dup()
222 def run(self):
223 global inflight
224 try:
225 flightlock.acquire()
226 try:
227 if reqlimit != 0:
228 start = time.time()
229 while inflight >= reqlimit:
230 flightlock.wait(10)
231 if time.time() - start > 10:
232 os.abort()
233 inflight += 1
234 finally:
235 flightlock.release()
236 try:
237 dowsgi(self.req)
238 finally:
239 flightlock.acquire()
240 try:
241 inflight -= 1
242 flightlock.notify()
243 finally:
244 flightlock.release()
245 except:
246 log.error("exception occurred in handler thread", exc_info=True)
247 finally:
248 self.req.close()
250def handle(req):
251 reqthread(req).start()